@naokubo1995: My friends and colleagues who organized events together in college took up politics and made history in their own ways. I was so encouraged by the way they created a new era, overcoming the voices saying that it is impossible for young people to do so. I will work harder on my own path. It was my first time to be the head of an election campaign, and it was hard work, but I’m glad I did it!
- Ryosuke Takashima @nishio: interesting times with more and more young power flowing into politics!
@naokubo1995: It’s really true, and in this election, a crazy number of people came to my office to tell me, “The election is for older voters, so it’s a ground game,” “You guys are young and you can’t make it. I think it will be really tough,” and “You are too young and don’t have the ground. When he opened the door, he won the election with double the number of votes of the second-place finisher. I feel like the ceiling that had been weighing on me has been broken down a little.
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