The Borg are a group of fictional mechanical life forms that appear in the Star Trek series. A race of beings depicted in Star Trek as “near pure evil” with extraordinary scientific powers. The “zombie” is a combination of “zombie” and science fiction cybernetics, a favorite antagonist in American TV dramas and movies, and is basically portrayed as a powerful antagonist of the main character, a Federation starship captain. No straightforward strategy will work against the Borg ships, and the protagonist must develop a unique tactic in order to survive. In the film, the Borg are portrayed as terrifying entities that, like zombies, seek to forcibly assimilate and take in other intelligent humanoid life.ボーグ
The nature of the Borg is similar to that of bee or ant colonies: extreme totalitarianism with no respect for the individual. This is due to the “collective consciousness” in which all the trillions of Borg drones share consciousness at all times.
Upon assimilation, they make unilateral announcements such as “We are the Borg” (We are the Borg), “You will be assimilated” (You will be assimilated), and “Resistance is futile” (Resistance is futile).
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