[Bloodshed and Decapitation at the Paris Olympics
Keizo Kuramoto,
- There is a tendency to uncritically praise the French Revolution and to see its criticism as a lack of human rights awareness.
- However, there are many intellectuals who are critical of the violent and self-righteous nature of the French Revolution.
- In the modern era, it is important to examine the French Revolution critically, without “sanctifying” it.
- The viewpoint that France was able to tolerate the chaos of the French Revolution because it belonged to “the privileged class of the West” is necessary.
- Japan’s Meiji Restoration is valued in that it achieved modernization without as much bloodshed as the French Revolution.
- In order to retain the Western ideal, we need to recognize and critically reassess the “privileged nature of the Western nations” within it.
- This recapture is even more important today, when the Global South, China, Russia, and others are rejecting “Western ideals”.
- Japan has a mission to create a new movement by taking advantage of its special history between the East and the West.
- The “revolution” needed today should not be a mere repetition of past ideals, but a sincere approach to contemporary issues.
nishio Some people consider the shedding of blood in the French Revolution to have been a good thing because it brought democracy, while others consider it to be a bad thing because it was violent. It can be said that France places too much emphasis on democracy and neglects nonviolence, and Japan places too much emphasis on nonviolence and neglects democracy. We live in an era in which the question is what kind of balance should be used to advance society
nishio 4 of Americans believe the use of violence against the government can be justified.
nishio I personally would like to strongly promote “non-violence”. Because in Japan, where the balance of power among age groups is broken due to the aging population combined with the diminishing number of children and democracy is dysfunctional, if we try to “revitalize democracy with violence,” it will be in the form of violence from the young to the old, as in the past hunting of old men. In this case, I would like to be on the receiving end.
nishio Although there are not many organizations and communities that believe that taking from the old is justified and redistribution of wealth to reduce inequality. I personally hope that their influence will not grow.
“The elderly are economically powerful, what’s wrong with cheating them?” Young people who run wire transfer scams are taking revenge on the disparity society” read in a little bit|LITERA/LITERA (SP) Rediscover knowledge in books and magazines: - chivalrous thief
Via_Nirone7 I knew it was the national character. Japanese people take it for granted that people who die with a grudge are possessed, and Emperor Shotoku and Emperor Go-Toba are treated as two of the most important grudge spirits in Japan that need to be respected with the utmost care, but this is not a universal feeling.
tuscanblue2015 The Conciergerie is where Marie Antoinette was imprisoned. #Paris 2024Opening Ceremony
relevance - The challenge is to reduce the probability of a violent revolution against the elderly.
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