Plant meme of bitcoin in the target civilization as a means of attack Science Fiction Setting.
Jun Kuikei This situation is like we must be under invasion from space alien. I am sure that Satoshi Nakamoto was also an alien.
Sci-fi setting to plant bitcoin memes in target civilizations as a means of attack, quite interesting.
That’s a rational reason for him not to come forward and honor the W.
K: Because the most effective way to win a war with an opponent whose values do not match your own is to make them consume your resources. Facebook
K: Actually, I wonder if computerized posthuman intelligence has already been created, and they are making this happen to squash humanity?
The “posthuman intelligence is trying to grind humanity down” view is looking at things from the side of the old forces, and from the side of the new forces, “We are humanity, and let’s give resource- consuming toys to play with so the old homo sapiens don’t get in the way of our new budding civilization. consuming toys] and let them play with it, and Bitcoin and HFT and what else do you want?” I’m sure he’d say.
K: And what else would you like? is definitely metaverse, right?
I think the enemy is not humanity, but aliens. Are they aliens derived from silicon organisms? If so, they seem to move slowly.
silicon biota If the “slow moving body” creatures derived from
silicon biota happen to get an electrical signal that moves around faster, they will develop a self-image that “the body is a fetter, and the thoughts freed from it are the essence,” they will interfere with other civilizations. If they develop a self-image that “the body is a tie, and the thoughts freed from it are the essence,” they will recognize that interfering with other civilizations to develop computers is “to increase the land they can colonize,” so of course they will do it.
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