The idea that there is a Shared Knowledge Pool and that enriching it is a [public interest (e.g., public good) I share that philosophy, but note that some people don’t seem to.
Hiroshi Tokumaru @ockeghem
Not so much to be offended, but sometimes people ask questions addressed to me and then delete them when they are done with them (as happened recently), and I find that kind of thing disappointing. I am not answering just for you. I’m answering because there are other people who would benefit from reading that Q&A!
Nagise Yuuki @nagise
I’ve encountered this too. I think there are a certain number of Who thinks the question should go away. with some logic or value system, because they said “I’ve solved the problem, I’ll delete the tweet.”
I think it may be difficult to understand the value of “the value of the questions and answers that remain on the Internet”.
I don’t think you are aware that you are part of the contents of the online world.
This story is interesting. The angle of “whether or not you are aware of being content yourself”.
Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis) / THE GUILD @kobaka7
It is a waste to think of transmission as “a means to satisfy desire for approval,” and it is interesting to think of it as “transmission is to create an asset that does not yet exist on the Internet. There is a lot of information that you can’t understand unless you ask people, and in fact, there is still not enough information on the Internet. The visualization of existence of a person like myself can be useful to someone.
This is related to the “I am part of the content” story from the other day.
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