Becomes aggressive when anxious - The parable of the frightened cat

Better to run away from aggressive people.

Shouldn’t we run away from the source of our anxiety?

  • Running away from the source of anxiety = staying in your comfort zone

But I have to keep myself from becoming aggressive out of insecurity.

  • Because people around you run away.

What does that mean?

  • Stay close to the source of anxiety, but do not become aggressive
  • Why do we become aggressive when we are anxious in the first place?

Karen Hornai



2023-09-20 02:54 omni.icon

summary of notes

. Anxiety tends to make people aggressive, an example of which is the fearful cat. It is believed that we should run away from aggressive people, but we should face the source of our anxiety, not run away from it. However, it is important to avoid becoming aggressive out of anxiety oneself. The reason for this is that people around us will run away. In other words, it is required to approach the source of anxiety while avoiding becoming aggressive.

Relation to Fragment

. The note and the “Hatena2010-10-14” fragment share a common perspective on the link between anxiety and aggression. In particular, “aggression” as an escape from anxiety, as proposed by Karen Hornay, is directly related to the subject of the note. The fragment “Someone who looks strong.” also contains a discussion of aggression born of anxiety, which is relevant to the note.

deep thinking

The link between anxiety and aggression is closely tied to the human defense instinct. When anxious, humans tend to become aggressive in order to protect themselves. However, this aggression can alienate those around them and ultimately isolate the self. Therefore, it is important to avoid becoming aggressive while confronting the source of anxiety.

summary of thoughts and title

. “The link between anxiety and aggression: between self-preservation and isolation.” When anxious, people tend to become aggressive, which stems from the human self-preservation instinct. However, aggression can alienate those around us and isolate the self. Therefore, it is important to avoid becoming aggressive while confronting the source of anxiety.

extra info

titles: ["Hatena2010-10-14", "Hatena2011-06-10", "Typhoon hoax", "Strong-looking people", "General of Monkey Mountain", "Don't be afraid" is a messy statement", "Having a wall ahead is not a reason not to proceed", "Be secure and be worried" "The Intellectual Production Techniques of Engineers and Physical Education-type Classes."] generated: 2023-09-20 02:54

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