I recently learned about the concept of Negative Capability. The term is said to have been proposed by the poet John Keats and means “the ability to remain in uncertainty, wonder, and skepticism, without hastily seeking facts and reasons. Its synonym is Positive Capability, the so-called “problem-solving ability.
[/hotchemi/manager and Negative Capability](https://scrapbox.io/hotchemi/manager and Negative Capability).
@tokoroten: I see, tolerance for anxiety, Ability to suspend judgment, and the ability to handle things as abstractions and not drop them into concrete form. I see, tolerance for anxiety, Ability to suspend judgment, and the ability to handle things in the abstract and not reduce them to a concrete form… Negative Capability is the word I’m talking about… Without this, You try to solve problems out of the blue. so we can’t discuss the problem itself. [/hotchemi/manager and Negative Capability](https://scrapbox.io/hotchemi/manager and Negative Capability). @tokoroten:Negative Capability, pipped for now I’ll read it later. Negative Capability The ability to withstand unanswerable situations @tokoroten: In the planning business, the end remains uncertain because it is filled from the top down. I’m very scared and anxious about that. And when such talk comes to the attention of people with low anxiety tolerance, they start stuffing their ends, so the planning becomes less flexible, so until some planning is done, it becomes a secret meeting limited to people with Uncertainty Tolerance… … @tokoroten: The common saying in large companies “No information is coming down. coming down.” is because it is not only unhelpful, but also harmful to those with low Uncertainty Tolerance, so they keep the information secret. … So, well, sometimes the quickest way to get ahead is to increase your uncertainty tolerance so that you can get to the inner circle on that side.
When you see someone with low anxiety tolerance, you start stuffing your ends.
- this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic)Trying to paint all the way to the edges and can’t paint the whole area. だな
- this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic)Trying to paint all the way to the edges and can’t paint the whole area. だな
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