from English Lesson 2023-05-02 AI is neutral
- A: How about phishing?
- B: Yes, AI can assist phishing. The technology is neutral and it improves human efficiency. If the human has a bad intention, it also improves their efficiency.
- A: But you could make that argument about many things, like firearms or other tools that can be used to protect yourself or to hunt. Do you know what I mean?
- B: Yes. It is same. All technologies are neutral. So, good intentioned people should use AI to improve their efficiency because even if we prohibit the use of AI, people with bad intentions will continue to use AI for their benefit.
- A: Like a white hat hacker?
- B: Yes, like a white hat hacker. Also, police and government should use AI to protect people from those with bad intentions.
- A: So, it would be a battle of the bad AI versus the good AI?
- B: AI is not good or bad. Only the people are good or bad, and both of them can use AI as a weapon.
This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/AI is neutral]( is neutral) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.