AtCoder Grand Contest 049 - AtCoder
Rate is +10 with 1 question AC in B. Keep the light blue for now.
- Thoughts.
- having not the slightest idea
- N=100 in a directed graph
- Question for expected value. Expected value DP?
- When everything is in pieces, you can have 2^100 different states.
- Find and sum for each independent component?
- Official Explanation
- The “number of operations” is the number of times this table is added horizontally - The number of times is the sum
- add vertically instead of horizontally - Sum of f(x,y) per x is sum of f(x,y) per y - Change the order of addition - The expected value of the sum is the sum of the expected values
- Thoughts.
- I want 0 or less for ball 1, 1 or less for ball 2, and k or less for k-1.
- Shave off the overhang?
- That would be too easy.
- Cutting off the overhang is not the shortest way.
- “If Robot v. exists.”
- You can disable the whole thing if you destroy it beforehand.
- Just rewrite one ball to one larger value.
- Call that ball and it’s all null and void.
- This is a sufficient condition and we can cut more.
- No need to count up if the robot is already destined to be destroyed by another robot.
- Need a lightweight determination of whether the section is covered.
- Sort by (tip, +1) and (tail, -1) in a list
- Covered if cumulative summed to linear order and nonzero.
- Related Imosu Act (fifth highest of eight hereditary titles, later demoted to sixth highest of eight)
- →37WA
- Need a lightweight determination of whether the section is covered.
- Official Explanation
- I’m not sure.
- Tweet
C:A robot with A ≤ B can either a) reduce B so that it cannot reach 0 or b) move the right robot to destroy it.
a is used in at most one location. b costs 1 per ball. balls used in a are reused in b AGC
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