A - Darker and Darker

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  • Thoughts.

    • At best 10^6 vertices, at worst 10^3 times processing.
    • If you check every vertex every time, you won’t make it in 10^9, but you don’t do that.
    • If we do a width-first search, the process will be completed in 10^6 orders of magnitude, which is OK.
    • Official Explanation OK
    • I was unconsciously rewriting the problem.
    • For all black squares, if there is a white square adjacent to the black square, it is black” is the same as “For all black squares, if there is a white square adjacent to the black square, it is black - The white square adjacent to the black square is turned to black
      • Sure would have bothered me if I hadn’t noticed this rephrasing.
      • In the latter, once a black square has been dealt with, there will be no more white squares around it Never have to deal with it again., and this is the principle of reduced order.

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