B - Median Pyramid Easy

  • image
  • Thoughts.
    • When two steps, the top is 2.
    • the time for disasters (similar to ā€˜the witching hourā€™ but not midnight)
      • 3 in a normal arrangement.
      • For example, 5 1 2 4 3 would be two, so the top would be 2.
      • Similarly, we can do the same for 4.
    • the time of the four stages of life (birth, old age, disease, death)
      • 7 1 2 6 3 4 5 and the top is 2 2 3 4 4 which is 3
    • Hypothesis: Top only moves in the range of median plus or minus 1?
  • Official Explanation
  • problem partitioning - median - Repeated results of the same operation

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