Contests with questions that can use AtCoder Library.
I realized after submitting C that I had made a careless mistake in B and corrected it, implemented D and passed the sample through before submitting it, but it was a WA, and when I saw E, I thought it was a Delayed propagation segment tree, so I solved that one. I went back to D and realized “this is a segment tree and it’s a DP”, but at that point I had 10 minutes left. I couldn’t make it in time.
Wow, 9 more points and light blue! Too close to call!
- careless mistake
- Ugly conditional expression because it was fixed in a big hurry. python
A, B, C, D = map(int, input().split())
# if A <= D <= B or A <= C <= B: # NG
if A <= D <= B or A <= C <= B or C <= A <= D:
- If you think about it calmly, it looks like this python
A, B, C, D = map(int, input().split())
if D < A or B < C:
- Just count how many clumps of connected cities there are (let’s say X) and draw a path from one of them to the remaining X-1 clumps.
- “connected urban mass” = linkage component.
- So UnionFind. python
def solve(N, M, edges):
for e in edges:
unite(e[0] - 1, e[1] - 1)
s = set(find_root(x) for x in range(N))
return len(s) - 1
- I don’t know how to attribute this to ACL, so I’ll write it plainly first.
- Submitted, but WA/TLE mixed.
- Even if I could get a WA, it would be a TLE, and I don’t have a clue how to resolve this, so I put it on hold and did an E.
- When I came back and reviewed it, I realized that it was segment tree and dynamic programming, but I had 10 minutes left.
- Dynamic programming where the trailing value is the definition range and the longest length is the value range
- When the i-th value is A, the max of the K values before and after A is the “longest sequence of values that can be connected to the i-th value,” so update by adding 1 to it
- Samples go through below. python
def solve(N, K, AS):
count = [0] * 300_000
count[AS[0]] = 1
for i in range(1, N):
A = AS[i]
start = max(0, A - K)
best = max(count[start:A + K + 1])
count[A] = best + 1
return max(count)
- Point update range max, so segment trees can be used.
- Segment tree version AC python
def solve(N, K, AS):
MAX_CAPACITY = 300_000
set_width(MAX_CAPACITY + 10)
count = [0] * SEGTREE_SIZE
point_set(count, AS[0], 1, max)
for i in range(1, N):
A = AS[i]
start = max(0, A - K)
end = min(A + K + 1, MAX_CAPACITY + 1)
best = range_reduce(count, start, end, max, -INF)
point_set(count, A, best + 1, max)
return range_reduce(count, 0, MAX_CAPACITY + 1, max, -INF)
- Hammer Point
- Python lists are allowed to have `count[start:end]` with end out of range, but segment trees are not
- Need +1 because it contains `MAX_CAPACITY`.
I thought it might be a twin segment tree because of the range update.
The process of “Calculate the remainder as a decimal number with 200,000 digits” is performed by range contraction for each query, so Delayed propagation segment tree is appropriate.
I mistakenly thought the binary operation of the values to do this was
(a * 10 + b) % MOD
.- Actually, the number of digits on the right side is
(a * (10 ** size) + b) % MOD
as size - I reworked my own library in a big hurry because the binary operation does not take size as an argument.
- another solution
E had (length, sum). I think having (10^n, sum) is computationally better without mod pow.
- Actually, the number of digits on the right side is
Pre-calculate the remainder of
since it will be a decimal number of 200,000 digits. python
def main():
# parse input
N, Q = map(int, input().split())
set_width(N + 1)
value_unity = 0
value_table = [value_unity] * SEGTREE_SIZE
value_table[NONLEAF_SIZE:NONLEAF_SIZE + N] = [1] * N
action_unity = None
action_table = [action_unity] * SEGTREE_SIZE
cache11 = {}
i = 1
p = 1
step = 10
while i <= N:
cache11[i] = p
p = (p * step + p) % MOD
step = (step * step) % MOD
i *= 2
cache10 = {0: 1}
i = 1
p = 10
while i <= N:
cache10[i] = p
p = (p * 10) % MOD
i += 1
def action_force(action, value, size):
if action == action_unity:
return value
# return int(str(action) * size)
return (cache11[size] * action) % MOD
def action_composite(new_action, old_action):
if new_action == action_unity:
return old_action
return new_action
def value_binop(a, b, size):
# return (a * (10 ** size) + b) % MOD
return (a * cache10[size] + b) % MOD
full_up(value_table, value_binop)
for _q in range(Q):
l, r, d = map(int, input().split())
action_table, value_table, l - 1, r, d,
action_composite, action_force, action_unity, value_binop)
ret = lazy_range_reduce(
action_table, value_table, 0, N, action_composite, action_force, action_unity,
value_binop, value_unity)
Someone wrote on Twitter that he solved it with [square partitioning].
- Counting frequency convolution?
- DP with principle of inclusion?
This page is auto-translated from [/nishio/ACL Beginner Contest]( Beginner Contest) using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.