It was five questions. F: I DP’d as described, but it was a TLE in Python (WA was still there, so that’s not enough). image Slight increase. Will there be any growth without diligence? image

B - uNrEaDaBlE sTrInG python

def main():
    S = input().strip().decode('ascii')
    from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase
    if all(c in ascii_uppercase for c in S[1::2]) and all(c in ascii_lowercase for c in S[::2]):

C - Kaprekar Number image

  • I looked at the constraints and decided that if it was 10 digits high and 10^5 times, then it was OK to use a string. python
def main():
    N, K = map(int, input().split())
    for _i in range(K):
        s = str(N)
        g1 = int("".join(sorted(s, reverse=True)))
        g2 = int("".join(sorted(s)))
        N = g1 - g2


D - Base n image

  • Thoughts.
    • When it is a single digit, the value does not change in any number of decimal places, 0 or 1 street
    • When n is more than 2 digits, increasing n always increases the value, so the problem is to find the largest n that satisfies the condition less than or equal to M.
    • Given the worst-case scenario, when the input is 10, the maximum is 10^18 decimal.
      • → No linear search.
      • Looks good for a bifurcated search.
  • mounting
    • I tried to use the base specification for int, but it only supported up to 36 decimal digits.
    • I tried to implement int(s, base) on my own, but then I reconsidered that I don’t need to find the exact number, I just need to know if the number exceeds M or not.
      • If they had implemented their own, I think they would have TLE’d.
      • Implemented by looking at Binary Search Checklist.
    • WA
      • I was looking at the checklist and I did the failure pattern 4, “the initial value of RIGHT meets the condition”.
      • I had set the initial value to M, but when the input is 10, M satisfies the condition, it should be M+1 (# (1)) py
def lessEqual(s, base, limit):
    ret = 0
    for c in s:
        ret *= base
        ret += int(c)
        if limit < ret:
            return False
    return True

def solve(X, M):
    sX = str(X)
    if len(sX) == 1:
        if X <= M:
            return 1
            return 0

    d = max(int(c)for c in str(X))
    v = int(sX, d + 1)
    if M < v:
        return 0

    left = d + 1
    start = left
    right = M + 1  # (1)

    while left < right - 1:
        x = (left + right) // 2
        if lessEqual(sX, x, M):
            left = x
            right = x
    return right - start
  • A proposal I saw on Twitter
    • When X is w+1 digits and base is b, int(X, b) is .
      • and solve , that b can be found by a linear search
    • Unfortunately, in the range of this problem condition, there’s not enough precision in double precision floating point numbers.
      • 10 ** 18 - exp(log(10 ** 18)) == 1408.0
      • 10 ** 18 is just under 64 bits, but the mantissa part of doubled floating-point numbers is 52 bits.

E - Train image

  • Thoughts.
    • It’s Dijkstra with no predetermined distance.
    • The Dijkstra method determines the fastest time to reach one vertex and then calculates the time to the other vertices.
    • In this issue, the distance isn’t initially determined, but once the arrival time is determined, it’s determined when you’ll arrive in the next town.
  • mounting
    • It took me a long time to debug # (1) because I got T and K mixed up, or -currentTime % K for -currentTime % K for time until departure. py
def one_to_one(
        start, goal, num_vertexes, edges,
        INF=9223372036854775807, UNREACHABLE=-1):
    distances = [INF] * num_vertexes
    distances[start] = 0
    queue = [(0, start)]
    while queue:
        d, frm = heappop(queue)
        if distances[frm] < d:
            # already know shorter path
        if frm == goal:
            return d
        for to, T, K in edges[frm]:
            # distance depends on currentTime
            currentTime = distances[frm]
            dist = (-currentTime % K) + T  # (1)
            new_cost = currentTime + dist
            if distances[to] > new_cost:
                # found shorter path
                distances[to] = new_cost
                heappush(queue, (distances[to], to))

    return UNREACHABLE

def main():
    N, M, X, Y = map(int, input().split())
    from collections import defaultdict
    edges = defaultdict(list)
    for _m in range(M):
        A, B, T, K = map(int, input().split())
        edges[A - 1].append((B - 1, T, K))
        edges[B - 1].append((A - 1, T, K))

    INF = 9223372036854775807
    r = one_to_one(X - 1, Y - 1, N, edges, INF)
    if r == INF:
        r = -1

F - Potion image

  • Thoughts.
    • At first I thought it was “over X”.
      • But that would make it the obvious solution to include them all, since they’re all positive.
      • I thought it was funny, but it was “just X”.
    • When k are chosen to be S, it must be .
      • If you think about the whole subset of A, it will be 2^50 and you won’t make it in time.
    • Crush the state with DP
    • We can update the table (n, k, V % k) -> V with the maximum value as the number n chosen so far, the number k chosen finally, and the sum V so far
      • Because anything other than the maximum won’t affect the answer.
      • Each is 1-100, so the table size is 10^6, the number of updates is 100, and the total is 10^8…just barely.
  • mounting
    • Sample came through, 6WA 14TLE.
    • Speeding up the system as it is in WA will only make debugging more cumbersome.
    • Fixed the bug, still 9WA 11TLE, timeout here.
  • Official Explanation
    • I see no difference in policy.
  • Compare with AC people
    • Uh, you know, when you submitted this the second time, you said, “Fix the bugs and make it lighter and faster,” and then you put the bugs in that faster version.
    • Don’t make multiple changes at once, it’s the basis of software development!
    • 15 TLEs to fix bugs.
    • 11TLE by changing the subscripts from tuples to integers.
    • I had to fix the dictionary to the list… oh, well, I had to be careful about the order of updating this, I was using two dictionaries, that’s too slow.
    • The order in which they are packed into integers was devised so that updating from the largest to the smallest would not cause problems, and the list, AC python
def solve(X, AS):
    from collections import defaultdict
    INF = 9223372036854775807
    N = len(AS)

    def to_key(mod, num, k):
        return num * (N + 1) * (N + 1) + k * (N + 1) + mod

    def from_key(key):
        num, km = divmod(key, (N + 1) * (N + 1))
        k, mod = divmod(km, N + 1)
        return (mod, num, k)

    SIZE = (N + 1) ** 3
    table = [-1] * SIZE
    sumAS = sum(AS)
    for k in range(1, N + 1):
        table[to_key(0, 0, k)] = 0

    for a in AS:
        for key in reversed(range(SIZE)):
            if table[key] == -1:
            mod, num, k = from_key(key)
            v = table[key] + a
            num += 1
            if num > k:
            mod = v % k
            key = to_key(mod, num, k)
            table[key] = max(table[key], v)

    ret = INF
    for key in range(SIZE):
        if table[key] == -1:
        mod, num, k = from_key(key)
        if num == k and num > 0:
            v = table[key]
            if mod == X % k:
                assert (X - v) % k == 0
                s = (X - v) // k
                ret = min(ret, s)

    return ret
  • 1942 ms… that’s close enough.
    • If this is a problem, maybe inline expansion of the key conversion function…
  • Read other people’s code
    • Ah, I see, there is a way to check from the one with the larger k (i.e. faster acceleration) and then break when it becomes impossible to take them all a2stnk.
    • First, by dividing it by K, we can reduce it to 1238 ms.
    • And adding branch trimming brings it to a whopping 331 ms!
      • It’s the third fastest in Python.
      • So this branch trimming works very well.

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