D Iā€™m not good at thisā€¦WA wonā€™t solveā€¦ Skip it and solve E quickly with Dijkstra, 30 minutes left. I decided to do D or F and decided that I would learn more by considering F. The sample passed with ā€œthe number of gcd of some number that is less than or equal to minā€ but it was still a TLE. 13 minutes left at this point, so I did D the rest of the time, but I didnā€™t solve it until the end, 4 questions.

Ah, I see, D was ā€œletā€™s multiply by 1000 and treat it as an integerā€¦you know, the square root is where you get the solution to the quadratic functionā€¦ā€ but thatā€™s where you get the bisection search. Mathematically, it can be solved by O(1), so I unintentionally stuck to that, but O(logR) will also get me there in time, I thought.

I was correct in detecting that F is ā€œthe number of gcd of some number that is less than or equal to minā€. It would have been nice to come up with an efficient way to seek it out.


I thought it might fall into light blue, but surprisingly it was +3. image

image I see, D and F are quite challenging.

C - Digital Graffiti image

  • Do ā€œadd if not there, remove if already thereā€ for the four corners of the square to be painted.
  • image python
def main():
    H, W = map(int, input().split())
    world = OneDimensionMap(H, W, 0)
    for pos in world.allPosition():
        if world.mapdata[pos] == 35:
            start = pos
    corner = set()
    visited = set()
    DIR4 = world.dir4()

    def visit(pos):
        x, y = divmod(pos, W)
        for xy in [(x, y), (x + 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y + 1)]:
            if xy in corner:
        for dir in DIR4:
            newpos = pos + dir
            if world.mapdata[newpos] == 35 and newpos not in visited:

  • The official explanation shows that it can be written more simply.
    • If not, add them, if there are any, take them, which in essence is equivalent to saying, ā€œIs the number of times the process was performed odd?ā€ is equivalent to ā€œIs the number of times the process has been done odd?
    • If thatā€™s all you want to know, you donā€™t have to process them in adjacent order because the order of addition is the same if you swap them around.
    • AC with this python
def main():
    H, W = map(int, input().split())
    world = OneDimensionMap(H, W, 0)
    from collections import defaultdict
    cornerCount = defaultdict(int)
    for pos in world.allPosition():
        if world.mapdata[pos] == 35:
            for d in [0, 1, W, 1 + W]:
                cornerCount[pos + d] += 1

    print(sum(v % 2 for v in cornerCount.values()))

E - Come Back Quickly image

  • Note that there is a self-edge and multiple edges.
  • Leave only the shortest of the multiple edges # (2).
    • I have it with edge edges[i][j], so I didnā€™t want to bother with multiple edges.
  • Find the distance from each point to the other points by Dijkstra method (dist) # (3)
  • Just find the smallest of edges[i][i] and dist[i][j] + dist[j][i][$ (i \neq j)
  • About # (1) `.
    • Graphs with weighted edges are usually handled by defaultdict(dict).
    • But this time, I thought it would be a pain to check whether the value exists or not when accessing with # (4).
    • so that the value becomes INF when it does not exist.
    • I usually like this. python
def main():
    N, M = map(int, input().split())
    from collections import defaultdict
    INF = 9223372036854775807
    edges = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: INF))  # (1)
    for _i in range(M):
        frm, to, cost = map(int, input().split())
        # -1 for 1-origin vertexes
        edges[frm-1][to-1] = min(edges[frm-1][to-1], cost)  # (2)

    dist = []
    for start in range(N):
        dist.append(one_to_all(start, N, edges, INF=INF))  # (3)

    for i in range(N):
        x = INF
        for j in range(N):
            if j == i:
                x = min(x, edges[i][i])  # (4)
                x = min(x, dist[i][j] + dist[j][i])
        if x == INF:

F - GCD or MIN image

  • Values are considered sorted and do not lose generality.
  • Consider a small example
    • When there are two values, there is one way if A2 is a multiple of A1, and two ways if it is not.
    • If you look at the real-time notes, you conclude right from here that ā€œjust check the number of gcd(Ai, Aj) smaller than A1ā€, but I donā€™t know why you did thatā€¦
    • Since gcd is independent of the order in which it is taken, the argument can be considered as a set, and when the gcd of a subset of A is smaller than A1, there exists a procedure to make it a solution.
  • The problem is how to compute this efficiently, which is annoying because naive 2^N is obviously impossible.
    • 4TLE python
def main():
    from math import gcd
    N = int(input())
    AS = list(map(int, input().split()))
    minA = min(AS)
    ALL = set(AS)
    NEW = set(AS)
    while NEW:
        next = set()
        for x in ALL:
            for y in NEW:
                next.add(gcd(x, y))
        NEW = next - ALL
    ret = 1
    for x in ALL:
        if x < minA:
            ret += 1

  • Official Explanation
    • If it is true for a set S, then it is true even if we add multiples of x to it.
      • So there is no need to take care of all subsets.
      • We only need to consider the set that contains all those that are multiples of x.
    • If x is not the divisor of any number in A, the set is empty and need not be considered
      • So, for x that is the divisor of either number, we can take the gcd of the set that corresponds one-to-one with it
      • Since the number of divisors is of logarithmic order, it doesnā€™t matter if A is 10^9.
    • Still, 3 TLE.
      • Test cases with a large number of test cases with a large number of test cases with a large number of test cases with a large number of test cases with large number of test cases python
def main():
    from math import gcd
    from functools import reduce
    N = int(input())
    AS = list(map(int, input().split()))
    minA = min(AS)
    S = set(AS)
    divisors = set()
    for x in S:
    ret = 1
    for d in sorted(divisors):
        if d == minA:
        targets = [x for x in S if x % d == 0]
        if reduce(gcd, targets) == d:
            ret += 1
- AC if we calculate up to gcd at the time of the divisor enumeration.


def main():
    from math import gcd
    from collections import defaultdict
    N = int(input())
    AS = list(map(int, input().split()))
    minA = min(AS)
    S = set(AS)
    gcds = defaultdict(int)
    for x in S:
        for d in get_divisors(x):
            gcds[d] = gcd(gcds[d], x)

    ret = 1
    for d in sorted(gcds):
        if d == minA:
        if gcds[d] == d:
            ret += 1
- I don't think it's obvious that the former is wrong and the latter is OK.
- gcd
    - former $\sum_i \sum_x [x < \min(A)$[[x \text{ divides } A_i]]]
    - latter $\sum_i \sum_x [x \text{ divides } A_i$]
    - The former is smaller than the latter...
  • consideration
    • The number of subsets is 2^2000, whereas the range of values is 10^9
    • Exchange of value range and definition range
    • image
    • There can be more than one source with X as its image, but we can choose the one that is easier to construct.
    • The original, which does not become an image like Z, can be copied onto anything.
      • If the original map is f and the inverted map is g, then we know if some original x is contained in the image of f by [$ f(g(x)) = x
    • This is not an inverse mapping in the usual sense.
      • Usually, maps f and g such that are called inverse maps of one another and the other, and exist only when all monojections
      • This time, for a given f, should hold, loose inverse mapping.
    • For this problem, the first step in transforming the problem was to notice that the loose inverse function of is [$ S = {y|y\in A, x\text{ divides }y }

D - Circle Lattice Points image - Determining the size of a real number

  • First, Iā€™ll write it down plainly, without thinking about errors.
    • Solution formulas for quadratic functions
    • Now all the samples go through. python
def main_simple():
    from math import floor, ceil, sqrt
    X, Y, R = map(float, input().split())

    ret = 0
    for y in range(floor(Y - R), ceil(Y + R) + 1):
        xcep = R ** 2 - (y - Y) ** 2
        a = 1
        b = -2 * X
        c = X ** 2 - xcep
        e = b * b - 4 * a * c
        if e < 0:
        s = sqrt(e)  # (1)
        r1 = (-b + s) / (2 * a)
        r2 = (-b - s) / (2 * a)
        ret += floor(r1) - ceil(r2) + 1

  • Now letā€™s make an integer version of thisā€¦ but calculating the square root of # (1) is tricky!
    • During the contest, I tried to manage with square roots and it didnā€™t work.
  • After the contest, I realized that this could be obtained by a binary search.
  • AC
    • # (2) This must definitely be outside the circle. # (4) is the same.
      • In some cases, floor(fX - fR) will be exactly on the circumference.
    • # (3) Be careful not to double-count the vertices if the center of the circle is exactly an integer python
def main():
    from math import floor, ceil, sqrt
    fX, fY, fR = map(float, input().split())
    X, Y, R = [round(x * 10000) for x in [fX, fY, fR]]
    ret = 0

    def isIn(x, y):
        ret = (X - x * 10000) ** 2 + (Y - y * 10000) ** 2 <= R ** 2
        return ret

    for y in range(floor(fY - fR), ceil(fY + fR) + 1):
        # find start
        left = floor(fX - fR - 1)  # (2)
        init_right = right = floor(fX)
        if isIn(right, y):
            while left < right - 1:
                x = (left + right) // 2
                if isIn(x, y):
                    right = x
                    left = x
            ret += init_right - left

        # find end
        init_left = left = init_right + 1  # (3)
        right = ceil(fX + fR + 1)  # (4)
        if isIn(left, y):
            while left < right - 1:
                x = (left + right) // 2
                if isIn(x, y):
                    left = x
                    right = x
            ret += right - init_left


This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ABC191 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. Iā€™m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.