AtCoder Beginner Contest 184 - AtCoder
As before, all questions were answered correctly this time.
I fell asleep and woke up to find that it was past 9:00 a.m. I was so upset.
- Maximum of 3 times allowed
- 0 if they already overlap.
- 1 if you can move in one step.
- If not, move it along the axis of the side that is greatly off and call recursion
- For some reason, the problem condition “3 or less” was implemented as “4 or less” and 1WA.
- PS: I AC’d during the contest but WA’d after the contest with the addition of the test case.
- For example, if you move sideways twice on an input such as 1,1,1,6, you can reach it, but not if you move diagonally twice with different parities. python
def solve(R1, C1, R2, C2, phase=0):
if R1 == R2 and C1 == C2:
return 0
if R1 + C1 == R2 + C2:
return 1
if R1 - C1 == R2 - C2:
return 1
if abs(R1 - R2) + abs(C1 - C2) <= 3:
return 1
d1 = abs(R1 + C1 - R2 - C2)
d2 = abs(R1 - C1 - R2 + C2)
if d1 > d2:
d = R1 + C1 - R2 - C2
d //= 2
R1 -= d
C1 -= d
return solve(R1, C1, R2, C2) + 1
d = R1 - C1 - R2 + C2
d //= 2
R1 -= d
C1 += d
return solve(R1, C1, R2, C2) + 1
D - Expected DP in memory recursion python
def solve(A, B, C):
cache = {}
def f(x):
if 100 in x:
return 0
if x in cache:
return cache[x]
a, b, c = x
ret = 1
if a:
y = tuple(sorted((a + 1, b, c)))
ret += f(y) * a / (a + b + c)
if b:
y = tuple(sorted((a, b + 1, c)))
ret += f(y) * b / (a + b + c)
if c:
y = tuple(sorted((a, b, c + 1)))
ret += f(y) * c / (a + b + c)
cache[x] = ret
return ret
return f((A, B, C))
- The implementation looked complicated, so I skipped it and went ahead with F.
F - half-full enumeration - Even if you enumerate the whole subset of halves, 2^20 is about 10^6, so there’s plenty of room.
- Sum of subsets is library implemented (I used Gray code)
- Enumerate all the sums of subsets in the first and second halves, respectively, and find the largest number whose sum does not exceed T by a binary search python
def solve(N, T, AS):
from bisect import bisect_right
S1 = sum_for_all_subset_grey(AS[:N//2])
S2 = sum_for_all_subset_grey(AS[N // 2:])
ret = 0
for x in S1:
if x > T:
i = bisect_right(S2, T - x)
ret = max(ret, x + S2[i - 1])
return ret
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/ABC184 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.