E - Picking Goods

  • image

  • Thoughts.

    • Minimum cost flow?
      • This condition is difficult.
      • Takahashi-kun can pick up items in the squares he passes (including the start and goal). However, you can only pick up 3 items in the same row of squares. If there is an item in a square you pass, you may not pick up that item.

  • Official Explanation

    • r, c, plus “number of items picked up” DP in three dimensions
  • A new thought. - Even when solving with least-cost current, “only 3 pieces can be picked up” is 3-dimensional if it is expressed in terms of graph vertices.

    • And it is computationally less expensive to solve with DP than to solve as least cost flow cost.
    • First, this is The problem of maximizing the score of a pathway.
      • And if there are no “up to 3”, then the type of “score is obtained from only the last vertex of the pathway”.
  • unAC

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