- Think in order from smallest to largest
- When t is a single letter, i is the first occurrence in s
- When it does not appear, -1
- When t is two characters
- First appearance after first appearance
- naively we can find the “first occurrence after x” on the order of 10
- No, because the naive way would be 10^10.
- For example, if you pre-calculate the “next occurrence” in a 26 x 10^5 table, it will be in constant order.
- This pretreatment is
- Looking at the string s one character at a time, starting from the back of the string s.
- Writing the -1
- If a character is found, write 0, and increment thereafter.
- Zero if found again.
- When you get to the beginning of the string, if it is not -1, fill it from the end, incrementing while the table is -1.
- This will fill the table in two laps at worst per letter.
- Looking at the string s one character at a time, starting from the back of the string s.
- Looking at the i+1st letter c, we can see “the number of letters after i until the next occurrence of c” in constant order.
- Just add up these values for each letter of T.
- Official Explanation OK
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