[A life manipulated by something is not a dream or a hope.
何かにあやつられた 人生なんて夢も希望もないし 今の your life 満足なの?
2023-09-11 16:50
1: Summary of notes
‘A life that has been manipulated by something is nothing to dream of or hope for, and are you happy with your life right now?’ He stated about the question “Are you satisfied with your life now?
2: Relation to Fragment The note and the fragment “Hatena2013-09-01” are related in their discussion of satisfaction with life and the existence of goals. The note asks about satisfaction with the current state of life, while the fragment discusses the presence or absence of goals and dreams and the resulting satisfaction.
3: Deep thinking Satisfaction with life depends largely on individual values and goals. Even those who feel they have no goals or dreams may find satisfaction if they make their own choices. However, if they feel that they are being manipulated by something, they may feel that they are acting according to the expectations of others or society rather than their own will. In such a situation, it will be difficult to find satisfaction.
4: Thought Summary A life lived by one’s own choices brings satisfaction, but a life lived by the expectations of others and society is less satisfying.”
Title: “Self-Determination and Life Satisfaction”
extra info
titles: ["Hatena2013-09-01", "The need to work", "Hatena2016-09-01", "The more people who don't have a dream, the more drunk they are with reality, the more they come close to it", "Nada2021 Questions", "Reflection", "You can only do what you want while you live"," Hatena2010-05-18", "Current Satisfaction 2"]
generated: 2023-09-11 16:50
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