Expose ReactN and use it from Cypress. to test the scale adjustment. one test consisting of 8 assertions is done in 0.44 seconds, so you may not see it well, but it checks the position of the two stickies with the default scale and the reduced one .
✅Smooth scaling and translating in the DOM First, I’m testing by getting the element with the id specification and rewriting the style directly. test.js
cy.get("#center").then(x => {
x.css("transform", "scale(0.5)")
cy.contains("+").should((x) => {
After making it testable, I changed the style to styled-components, which was applied by specifying the id in the raw CSS, and after confirming that the behavior did not change, I wrapped it in a React function component and hooked it into ReactN. This is what the final test scale change looked like. It could be a custom command. test.js
cy.window().its('movidea').then(movidea => {
setTimeout(() => {
movidea.setGlobal({ scale: 0.5 });
For scaling, there is a div of size 0 that contains all the stickies, and the browser’s native code does the calculation in its transform. App.tsx
<div id="canvas">
{fusens.map((fusen) => (
<Fusen value={fusen} />
const CenterDiv = styled.div`
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
overflow: visible;
export const Center: React.FC<{}> = ({ children }) => {
const [g] = useGlobal();
const style = {
transform: `scale(${g.scale}) translate(${g.trans_x}px, ${g.trans_y}px)`,
return (
<CenterDiv style={style} id="center">
What we learned
- transform transform - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
- viewport | Cypress Documentation
Control the size and orientation of the screen for your application.
- getBoundingClientRect Element.getBoundingClientRect() - Web APIs | MDN
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