When using the KJ method to form new teamwork, a useful approach is to gather potentially relevant elements in one place and then explain the group’s content. In order to connect the stories smoothly, it is important to group potentially relevant information on a single slide and eliminate irrelevant information.
The idea of “Bring relevant people together in one place” may be related to the observation that “[as the group grows, majority values change. The phenomenon of group values changing as the initial majority becomes a minority may also be an important factor in teamwork formation.
I guess AI’s support for teamwork is going to be different when doing 1 person to 5 people in the beginning of a project, when doing 5 people to 30 people, and when the organization is much larger and there are 300 people who are members of the same company but don’t know each other well.
- Organization Size
When using the KJ method to form new teamwork, a useful approach is to gather potentially relevant elements in one place and then explain the group’s content. In order to connect the stories smoothly, it is important to group potentially relevant information on a single slide and eliminate irrelevant information.
New Ideas
The idea of “bringing relevant people together in one place” may be related to the observation that as a group grows, the values of the majority group change. The phenomenon of group values changing as the initial majority becomes a minority may also be an important factor in the formation of teamwork.
New Ideas in Japanese
The idea of “bringing related people together in one place” may be related to the observation that “as a group grows, the values of the majority change.” The phenomenon of group values changing as the initial majority becomes a minority may also be an important factor in the formation of teamwork.
extra info
json size: 40754163 pickle size: 735437681 previous notes size: 203 previous notes: 🤖2023-08-13 18:07 TITLES: Diary 2022-06-13, Proofreading for English version (chapters 2 and 3), Scrapbox best practices, Majority values change as the group grows, Hatena2014-11-13, Unexplored Junior Question Box “Programming Knowledge”, Keche
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