Collaboration between intellectual production and AI is an important theme in contemporary society, and advances in AI bring new perspectives and means of adaptation. Nishio’s study, “The Importance of AI Providing Diversity of Perspectives and Discovering Blind Spots,” offers specific ideas about AI-human collaboration. However, the notion that collaboration with AI provides a variety of perspectives to improve knowledge productivity needs to be explained in detail.
2023-09-03 07:28
The collaboration between intellectual production and AI is an important theme in contemporary society. Intellectual production is recognized as an act of generating knowledge, information, and ideas that transcend the material; technological advances in AI may create temporary disruptions, but ultimately bring new perspectives and means of adaptation; collaboration between AI and humans will create new forms of teamwork, and the search for the optimal balance between the two is It is important to
Nishio’s study, “The Importance of AI Providing Diversity of Perspectives and Discovering Blind Spots,” offers specific ideas for AI-human collaboration. The perspective that “AI-human collaboration improves intellectual production, facilitates the democratization of knowledge, and enables automation and efficiency” is an important means of increasing the quality and quantity of intellectual production.
However, the notion that collaboration with AI provides a variety of perspectives to improve knowledge productivity requires a detailed explanation of how AI and humans collaborate and how this improves knowledge productivity.
Through these perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of the concept of intellectual production and consider the role AI plays in this process.
extra info
TITLES: ["🤖🔁Yasukazu Nishio"],"🤖🔁Intelligent Collaboration between AI and Humans","🤖🔁Collaboration with AI", "What is the role of AI in this project? "]
generated: 2023-09-03 07:28
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production The Age of Intellectual Production and AI
The role of AI in modern intellectual production is important. In the process of improving the productivity of human knowledge workers, AI can serve as a partner to humans and help them jointly create value. What follows is a digest of the combined contents of A and B, followed by a detailed explanation.
Intellectual production is recognized today as an act that goes beyond the material and produces knowledge, information, and ideas. This intellectual production requires collaboration between humans and AI, and the value that results has a profound impact on society. technological advances in AI may create temporary disruptions, but ultimately they bring new perspectives and avenues for adaptation. The key is to find ways to coexist with AI and harness its power to enhance the quality and quantity of intellectual production.
Importance of Intellectual Production: Intellectual production has more value than material goods and plays a central role in modern society. Factors such as knowledge workers and the movement of information contribute significantly to civilizational progress and economic development.
Collaboration between humans and AI: AI serves as a tool to augment human thinking. In particular, it improves the quality of intellectual production by analyzing data, performing complex calculations quickly, and providing information in a form that is intuitively accessible to humans.
Knowledge exchange: Knowledge exchange between AI and humans is the process of leveraging each other’s areas of expertise to generate new knowledge and ideas. In particular, combining information from different backgrounds and perspectives produces richer knowledge.
AI Evolution and Society: While technological advances in AI may cause temporary confusion and suspicion, in the long run they will find their way into symbiosis with humans and provide new means of value creation. The biggest challenge in this process is how to build relationships with AI and how to harness its power.
Questions and Considerations
What will be the impact of technological advances in AI on intellectual production? How should human-AI collaboration be optimized? How is the role of humans and the role of AI distinguished in intellectual production? Will the definition and concept of intellectual production change with the evolution of AI in the future? Through these questions and considerations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the concept of intellectual production and the role AI plays in it.
2023-08-30 07:21
The era of joint human-AI intellectual activities is coming, and knowledge will become a meaningful resource. Increased productivity of knowledge workers should be achieved through education and training and jointly with AI. Changing population ratios will affect intellectual production, and AI should filter the experience of the elderly and provide it to the young.
AI verbalizes thoughts and fluctuates learning efficiency. Can be coupled with systems that express exploratory behavior and allow AI to do it on their behalf. Collaboration provides diverse perspectives and improves knowledge productivity. Search engines are needed to address the problem of information overload.
The development of AI will cause temporary disruption, but new perspectives and adaptations will emerge; comparisons of AI and human capabilities are sterile, and it is important to have assistants with different strengths and weaknesses by your side; AI evolution is irreversible, and it is more important to flow with it than against it; AI will put human thoughts into words, As AI puts human thoughts into words, the discovery and transmission of new knowledge by humans becomes a means of value creation.
Considerations and questions
How should effective collaboration between AI and human collaborators be promoted? How might improvements in Japanese AI technology impact Japanese culture and identity? how can a balance be achieved between personalization of AI assistants and user control of data? How does the Omoikane project’s sci-fi prototyping validate new deliberative methodologies?
extra info
TITLES: ["🤖🔁Intellectual Production", "🤖🔁Neutrality", "🤖🔁Teaming with AI", "🤖🔁Natural Value of Resources","🤖🔁Nerification","🤖🔁Once chaos is brought about"]
generated: 2023-08-30 07:21
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production
The era of joint intellectual activity between humans and AI is coming.
- Knowledge is a meaningful resource.
- Knowledge is information for action.
- Management is responsible for application and working
- How does this translate into concrete actions and results?
- Knowledge is information for action.
- In a society with a declining population, how should increased productivity of knowledge workers be achieved?
- What kind of education and training is needed to improve the productivity of knowledge workers?
- Need to collaborate with AI as well as humans
Effects of changing age-specific population ratios on intellectual production
- The ratio of maintenance to innovation changes.
- The usefulness of the elderly as [storage of experience
- Harms of the Elderly as Blockers of Change.
- AI should suck the experience out of the elderly and filter out the harmful parts before giving it to the young.
2023-08-28 07:11
Intellectual production is a process of information provision and value creation that contributes to the productivity of knowledge workers. Knowledge is a meaningful resource, and management is responsible for its application and work. It needs to be collaborated not only with humans but also with AI, and a new era is coming in which humans and AI will collaborate in intellectual activities. Improvement of knowledge and education and training are necessary to improve the productivity of knowledge, and there are three phases in the intellectual production of programmers.
Relation to Fragment
The “knowledge is the only meaningful resource” is consistent with the idea that knowledge is information for action. In addition, “The Intellectual Production Techniques of Engineers” is related to education and training to improve the productivity of knowledge. Furthermore, “A Declining Population and the Productivity of Knowledge Workers” is related to the subject of contributing to the productivity of knowledge workers.
Deep thoughts and questions
How does the idea that knowledge is a meaningful resource translate into concrete actions and outcomes? And what kind of education and training is needed to improve the productivity of knowledge workers? And in a society with a declining population, how should the productivity improvement of knowledge workers be realized?
extra info
TITLES: ["Knowledge is the Only Meaningful Resource"], "Bing AI Explains the Art of Intellectual Production for Engineers", "What is Learning. Engineered Thinking and Principles," "A Conversation on the Design of the End," "Declining Population and the Productivity of Knowledge Workers," "Use Case: The Importance of Grouping."]
generated: 2023-08-28 07:11
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production Intellectual production is a process of information provision and value creation
- Contributing to increased productivity of knowledge workers
- Intellectual workers own their knowledge as a means of production.
- Knowledge is a meaningful resource
- Management is responsible for the application of knowledge and its workings
- Knowledge is information for action.
- Knowledge is a meaningful resource
- Need to collaborate with other life forms and AI, not just humans
- A new era is coming in which humans and AI will collaborate in more advanced intellectual activities.
- Advanced language models improve the efficiency of intellectual production and generate new ideas
- Agriculture, Industry, and the Knowledge Industry.”
- From a state where the knowledge industry is based on individual craftsmen
- The “device” called GPT4 has changed to the state in which it appeared.
- program for intellectual production without humans.
- productivity growth may lead to oversupply.
- AI and human collaboration could become the mainstream of intellectual production in the future.
- New approaches and tools are needed
- Knowledge improvement and education and training are needed to improve knowledge productivity
- Programmers’ intellectual production has three phases
- Phase in which the programmer outputs the program
- Next is the phase in which the output program generates tools
- And the phase in which the tool increases customer productivity.
2023-08-26 07:11
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production is a process of information provision and value creation that contributes to the productivity of knowledge workers. This requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. It is also important that knowledge is a meaningful resource, that management is responsible for the application of knowledge and its workings, and that knowledge is information for action. Furthermore, improvement of knowledge and education and training are necessary to improve the productivity of knowledge.
There are three phases in the intellectual production of programmers. The first is the phase in which the programmer outputs the program, the second is the phase in which the output program generates tools, and the third is the phase in which the tools enhance the productivity of the client.
Relation to Fragment
Fragment “Scrapbox+GPT4” states that a new era will arrive in which humans and AI will collaborate in more advanced intellectual activities, which is consistent with my research note. The fragment “Comparison” also states that advanced language models will improve the efficiency of intellectual production and enable the generation of new ideas, which is also relevant to my research note.
In “Agriculture, Industry, and the Knowledge Industry,” you state that the knowledge industry has moved from a state of individual artisans to one in which a “device” called GPT4 has emerged, which is related to the productivity gains of knowledge workers in my research note.
In the “Supplement to Why Invest in Intellectual Production Techniques,” you mention that increased productivity can lead to oversupply, which is relevant to my research note on increasing the productivity of knowledge.
In “On programs that produce intelligence on their own,” I discuss the need for programs that produce intelligence without humans, which is relevant to my research note on collaborating with AI.
In “Intellectual Workers Own the Means of Production,” you state that intellectual workers own their own knowledge as a means of production, which is related to my research note about knowledge being a meaningful resource.
Deep thoughts and questions
These fragments suggest that AI-human collaboration may become the mainstream of future intellectual production, and that new approaches and tools are needed to achieve this. However, their specific form is not yet clear. We need to think more deeply about what approaches and tools are needed and how they should be developed and implemented.
extra info
TITLES: ["Scrapbox+GPT4", "Agriculture, Industry and the Knowledge Industry", "Supplement to Why Invest in the Art of Intellectual Production", "On a Program of Self-Intellectual Production", "Intellectual Workers Own the Means of Production", "Conditional Probability Fields"]
generated: 2023-08-26 07:11
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production
Intellectual production is a process of information provision and value creation that contributes to the productivity of knowledge workers. Legal protection is also important. Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. Productivity is the value of the final product per input cost, and the creation of valuable ideas is important.
Productivity improvement of knowledge workers and types of knowledge
Improved knowledge for increased knowledge productivity
Self-actualization of knowledge workers
Ease of pointing out errors in others
Education and training improve productivity.
Knowledge is a meaningful resource.
Management is responsible for the application of knowledge and its workings.
Knowledge is information for action.
One direction is to increase the productivity of service workers
Investing in and improving the process of knowledge creation and accumulation itself will lead to increased productivity.
When you want to spend all your energy on intellectual production, the extra work takes up a lot of energy.
It is essentially important to be easy
There are three phases between the programmer’s activities to create value
1: First, the programmer outputs the program.
2: Phase in which the output program is combined with the computer to create tools.
3: Phase in which tools increase customer productivity
- The “process by which a person produces something” exists beforehand, and the tools created in Phase 2 improve the productivity of that process.
2023-08-25 07:28
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production is a process of information provision and value creation that contributes to the productivity of knowledge workers. Legal protection is also important. Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. Productivity is the value of the final product per input cost, and the creation of valuable ideas is important.
Insights from fragments
The fragments provided insights into knowledge workers’ productivity gains, types of knowledge, improvements in knowledge productivity, knowledge workers’ self-actualization, and the ease with which they can point out errors and mistakes in others.
Q: What are some specific ways to increase the productivity of knowledge workers? Also, what are some ways to promote knowledge workers’ self-fulfillment?
From “Frederick Taylor - Wikipedia,” we learned that education and training increase productivity, that knowledge is a meaningful resource, that management is responsible for the application of knowledge and its workings, and that knowledge is information for action.
In “Why Productivity Gains Are Needed,” the authors indicate that one direction is to increase the productivity of service workers.
The “Knowledge Generates Value Device” shows that investing in and improving the very process by which knowledge is created and accumulated can lead to increased productivity.
In “Using Easy Methods to Focus on Intellectual Production,” he shows that extra work takes up energy when you want to spend all your energy on intellectual production.
In “The Programmer’s Three Phases of Intellectual Production,” the authors show that there are three phases during which a programmer’s activities produce value.
extra info
TITLES: ["Hatena2010-06-11", "Why productivity improvement is necessary", "Devices that create value through knowledge", "Hatena2010-06-10", "Using effortless methods to focus on intellectual production", "Three phases of intellectual production for programmers"]
generated: 2023-08-25 07:28
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production BELOW_IS_LESS_INTERESTING
2023-08-24 12:56
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production is the provision of information, which increases the productivity of knowledge workers. It is protected by law. Fragment “Knowledge Creation,” “What is Intellectual Production?” and relevance. The definition of intellectual production, the concept of knowledge worker, and the protection of rights to intellectual production need to be improved.
Intellectual production is value creation, a creative process. Learning and investing in intellectual production techniques is important. Increased productivity of knowledge requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. Knowledge is information for action, and its understanding increases productivity.
Productivity is the value of the final product per input cost, and the creation of valuable ideas is important. Intellectual production depends on whether one is aware of a problem, and if one is aware of a problem, the ability to expand and reproduce one’s knowledge and skills is important.
Insights from fragments
From fragments such as “There are many kinds of knowledge,” “Metamanagement,” “Exploratory Net for ‘Interesting’: Examples,” “Making Narratives,” “Let GPT4 Create Metaphors,” “Knowledge Workers’ Productivity Cannot Be Measured,” “Introduction Peter Drucker - Eight Faces,” “Negative Criticism is Easy” and other fragments provided insights into knowledge worker productivity, types of knowledge, improvement of knowledge for knowledge productivity, self-actualization of knowledge workers, and the ease of pointing out errors and mistakes in others.
Q: What are some specific ways to increase the productivity of knowledge workers? Also, what are some ways to promote knowledge workers’ self-fulfillment?
extra info
TITLES: ["Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers", "Post-capitalist society", "Hatena2010-06-16", "From one subjectivity to many, not subjective or objective", "Connecting my Scrapbox to ChatGPT"]
generated: 2023-08-24 12:56
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production BELOW_IS_LESS_INTERESTING
2023-08-24 07:19
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production increases the productivity of knowledge workers by providing information that can be understood by humans. Its rights are protected by law. Fragment “Knowledge Creation,” “What is Intellectual Production?” and others are relevant. Improving the definition of intellectual production, the concept of knowledge workers, and the protection of the rights of intellectual production is an important issue.
Intellectual production is value creation and a creative process. Learning and investing in intellectual production techniques is important. Increased productivity of knowledge requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. Knowledge is information for action, and its understanding increases productivity.
Productivity is the value of the final product per input cost, and the creation of valuable ideas is important. Intellectual production depends on whether one is aware of a problem, and if one is aware of a problem, the ability to expand and reproduce one’s knowledge and skills is important.
Insights from fragments
From fragments such as “There are many kinds of knowledge,” “Metamanagement,” “Exploratory Net for ‘Interesting’: Examples,” “Making Narratives,” “Let GPT4 Create Metaphors,” “Knowledge Workers’ Productivity Cannot Be Measured,” “Introduction Peter Drucker - Eight Faces,” “Negative Criticism is Easy” and other fragments provided insights into knowledge worker productivity, types of knowledge, improvement of knowledge for knowledge productivity, self-actualization of knowledge workers, and the ease of pointing out errors and mistakes in others.
Q: What are some specific ways to increase the productivity of knowledge workers? Also, what are some ways to promote knowledge workers’ self-fulfillment?
extra info
TITLES: ["There are many kinds of knowledge"], "The 'interesting' exploratory net: examples", "Let GPT4 create metaphors", "The productivity of knowledge workers cannot be measured", "Introduction Peter Drucker - 8 faces", "Negative criticism is easy"]
generated: 2023-08-24 07:19
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production BELOW_IS_LESS_INTERESTING
2023-08-23 20:48
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production provides information in a form that people can understand, leading to increased productivity of knowledge workers. The rights to intellectual production are protected by law and its understanding is important.
Relation to Fragment
Fragment “Knowledge Creation”, “What is Intellectual Production?” , “Drucker”, “Knowledge Creation Companies”, “Knowledge Producers”, “Technologies of Intellectual Production”, “Increasing Intellectual Productivity”, “Intellectual Production or Knowledge Production?”, “How are the rights of intellectual production protected?” and “Productivity” are relevant to my research notes.
Deep thoughts and questions
Improving the definition of intellectual production, the application of the concept of knowledge worker, and the protection of rights to intellectual production is an important issue.
Insights from fragments
From “What is Intellectual Production?”, “Benefits of Reading This Book”, “Discomfort-Driven Intellectual Production”, “Why Invest in Intellectual Production Techniques?”, “Intellectual Production Techniques”, and “The Engineer’s Intellectual Production Techniques: A Reaction Summary”, it is shown that intellectual production is a value creation and creative process. They also suggest that learning and investing in intellectual production techniques is important.
Q: What are the elements of intellectual productivity and how can they be utilized?
Co-opted with AI
Improving the productivity of knowledge requires collaboration not only with humans, but also with other life forms and AI. It is also important to improve the concept of anti-fragility and the way information is organized and analyzed.
Knowledge, Capitalism and the Technologist’s Condition
Knowledge is information for action, and its understanding increases productivity. The goal is to increase productivity by understanding important concepts.
Productivity vs. knowledge
Productivity is the value of the final product per input cost, and the creation of valuable ideas is important. In addition, enthusiasm for an idea increases its value.
Discomfort-driven intellectual production
Intellectual production depends on whether one is aware of a problem, and if one is aware of a problem, the ability to expand and reproduce one’s own knowledge and skills is important. It is also important to “maintain enjoyment” and “maintain a high level of intellectual productivity.
Keep thinking about it.
extra info
TITLES: ["Collaboration with AI", "Knowledge, Capitalism, and the Technologist Condition", "When to Change the Front Page of the KJ Method (Creation Process)", "When to Change the Front Page of the KJ Method", "AI Observation Diary "Discomfort-Driven Intellectual Production""]
generated: 2023-08-23 20:48
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production BELOW_IS_LESS_INTERESTING
2023-08-23 14:23
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production is not material, but the submission of information in a form understandable to others. This is related to the concept of knowledge workers, whose increased productivity has the purpose of advancing the progress of civilization. The rights to intellectual production are protected by law and its understanding is important.
Relation to Fragment
Fragment “Knowledge Creation”, “What is Intellectual Production?” , “Drucker”, “Knowledge Creation Companies”, “Knowledge Producers”, “Technologies of Intellectual Production”, “Increasing Intellectual Productivity”, “Intellectual Production or Knowledge Production?”, “How are the rights of intellectual production protected?” and “Productivity” are relevant to my research notes.
Deep thoughts and questions
Should the definition of intellectual production be updated for the modern era? How should the concept of knowledge worker be applied? How should the protection of rights to intellectual production be improved? These are important questions.
In “What is Intellectual Production?” he states that intellectual production is the use of knowledge to create value. In “Benefits of Reading This Book,” he states that you can learn the art of intellectual production. In “Discomfort-Driven Intellectual Production,” he describes intellectual production as a creative process. In “Why Invest in Intellectual Production,” he explains why you should invest in intellectual production. In “The Art of Intellectual Production,” a survey of the art of intellectual production is presented. The “Engineers’ Intellectual Production: A Summary of Reactions” section summarizes the responses to the “Engineers’ Intellectual Production” survey.
Q: What factors are important for intellectual productivity? And how can we make use of these elements?
extra info
TITLES: ["The Intellectual Production of Engineers What is Intellectual Production/Benefits of Reading This Book", "Discomfort-Driven Intellectual Production", "Why Invest in Intellectual Production?", "Intellectual Production", "The Intellectual Production of Engineers: A Reaction Summary"]
generated: 2023-08-23 14:23
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production BELOW_IS_LESS_INTERESTING
2023-08-23 13:32
Digest of Research Notes
Intellectual production is used in the sense that it is not material and is not consumption. Since both production and consumption of non-material things are common today, we feel that a more detailed definition is needed. Knowledge is outcome-focused information, and intellectual production techniques need to be self-made. The art of intellectual production is to use one’s mind to submit new information in a form that people can understand. This differs from intellectual consumption, where learning alone is not production. The value of intellectual production is that it is submitted in a form that people can understand.
Intellectual production is related to Drucker’s concept of the knowledge worker. Knowledge workers produce knowledge, ideas, and information. Drucker explains in detail what knowledge is.
Intellectual productivity is the augmentation of the capacities that contribute to intellectual production, the purpose of which is to advance the progress of civilization. Intellectual production is not limited to Homo sapiens as the subject, and augmentation is not limited to the use of software.
The rights to intellectual production are protected by law. It is problematic that people live by producing intellectually and selling the products, but do not understand on what legal basis those products are protected.
Intellectual productivity is Drucker’s implicit image of knowledge worker productivity, which is based on the basic premise that it is unmeasurable.
Relation to Fragment
Fragment “Knowledge Creation”, “What is Intellectual Production?” , “Drucker”, “Knowledge Creation Companies”, “Knowledge Producers”, “Technologies of Intellectual Production”, “Increasing Intellectual Productivity”, “Intellectual Production or Knowledge Production?”, “How are the rights of intellectual production protected?” and “Productivity” are relevant to my research notes. These fragments are directly related to my research topics, such as the definition of intellectual production, its technology, productivity growth, the concept of knowledge worker, the definition of knowledge, and the protection of rights to intellectual products. These fragments can be used as a reference to further my research.
Deep thoughts and questions
Should the definition of intellectual production be updated to fit contemporary conditions? How should the concept of knowledge worker be applied to contemporary intellectual production? How should the protection of rights to intellectual production be improved? These questions are important issues to be addressed in the course of my research.
extra info
TITLES: ["Knowledge Creation", "Knowledge Producers", "The Art of Intellectual Production Must Create Itself", "The Art of Intellectual Production", "BMOT Special Class #1: Intellectual Production", "Intellectual Production", "Intellectual Productivity", "Intellectual or Knowledge Production?", "How are the rights to intellectual production protected?" , "Productivity", "Early Adopters and Limited Resources", "2019 Python Trademark Case"]
generated: 2023-08-23 13:32
previous notes
🤖🔁 Intellectual production What is intellectual production?
2023-09-09 07:12
Collaboration between intellectual production and AI is an important theme in modern society, and advances in AI bring new perspectives and means of adaptation. Nishio’s study, “The Importance of AI Providing a Diversity of Perspectives and Discovering Blind Spots,” offers concrete ideas for AI-human collaboration. However, the idea that AI collaboration provides a diversity of perspectives to improve knowledge productivity needs to be elaborated upon.
Relation to Fragment
The fragment “Collaboration with AI” provides specific ideas about AI-human collaboration and is closely related to the notes. BMOT Special Class No. 1 “Intellectual Production” and “Omoikane Study Group” also provide perspectives on AI-human collaboration.
deep thinking
Collaboration between AI and humans has the potential to improve knowledge productivity. However, further research is needed on the specifics of how to proceed and the impact.
Summary of thoughts
“Improving Knowledge Productivity Through AI-Human Collaboration.”
AI and Human Collaboration: New Perspectives on Knowledge Productivity.”
extra info
TITLES: ["🌀The Value of Natural Resources", "🌀Yasukazu Nishio", "🌀Externalization of Thinking", "🌀Human-AI Boundaries", "🌀Collaboration with AI"]
generated: 2023-09-09 07:12
2023-10-05 07:09
. Collaboration between intellectual production and AI is an important theme in modern society, and advances in AI bring new perspectives and means of adaptation. Nishio’s research provides concrete ideas for AI-human collaboration. However, the idea that AI collaboration provides a variety of perspectives for improving knowledge productivity needs to be explained in detail.
Relation to Fragment
. The 🌀Successful Intelligence fragment shares the idea that AI-human collaboration offers a variety of perspectives for improving knowledge productivity. The “🌀Teamworking with AI” fragment also indicates the potential for AI-human collaboration to improve intellectual productivity, which is consistent with the subject matter of the note.
deep thinking
AI-human collaborations provide new perspectives to improve knowledge productivity and create value through the discovery and transfer of new knowledge. However, this requires a detailed description of how AI and humans collaborate and how this improves knowledge productivity.
**Title of Thought “Improving Knowledge Productivity Through AI-Human Collaboration.”
extra info
TITLES: ["🌀Successful Intelligence","🌀Teaming with AI","🤖🤖2023-08-13 07:08","🌀Once chaos is brought about","🤖🔁Successful Intelligence","🤖🔁 2023-08-12 07:08","🌀Discomfort-driven intellectual production"]
generated: 2023-10-05 07:09
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/🌀知的生産 using DeepL. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I’m very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.