

  • Esteem is to excellence what the zephyr is to flowers, the breath of life.

  • これ「西風が花に対して生命の息吹」って何のことかわからない人もいると思う。
  • image
    • 西風ゼピュロス

    • ゼピュロス(Ζέφυρος, Zephyros)は西風の神である。英語ではゼファー (Zephyr)。…アネモイの中で最も温和なゼピュロスは、春の訪れを告げる豊穣の風として知られている。

文中の「アラゴンの王」とは: 征服王ハイメ1世 (アラゴン王) - Wikipedia

from The Art of Worldly Wisdom 呼びかけを優先する “en Evidence” lxvii


Prefer Callings “en Evidence.”

Most things depend on the satisfaction of others. Esteem is to excellence what the zephyr is to flowers, the breath of life. There are some callings which gain universal esteem, while others more important are without credit. The former, pursued before the eyes of all, obtain the universal favour; the others, though they are rarer and more valuable, remain obscure and unperceived, honoured but not applauded. Among princes conquerors are the most celebrated, and therefore the kings of Aragon earned such applause as warriors, conquerors, and great men. An able man will prefer callings en evidence which all men know of and utilise, and he thus becomes immortalised by universal suffrage.