
  • もう少しのんびり進めて良いかと思っていたが、思ったよりも世界の変化が速かった、というのが2023年の感想だ
  • pScrapboxAutoTrans2023-04-18を進める

Today’s English conversation lesson

  • bad: “there is no rail in a real conversation”
    • There is no expectable context in a real conversation
  • He has many things in his hands
  • (For scattered document) We need to gather the documents.
  • (For cables) They are tangled.
    • We need to untangle the cables.
  • He has problem using the copy machine.
    • Bad: problem to use
      • Reason: the problem is already happened.
  • We need to tell him where he can get papers.
  • He was surprised to see the problem.
  • We can not help him with that.
  • I’ll ask for the password.
    • I’ll get the password for you.
  • I’ll get someone to help you in 10 minutes.
  • “hit the wall” is natural American English
  • just for fun / just my hobby
  • welder (person) / weld (verb)
  • courier
    • package
    • luggage is usually a bag of traveller
  • I’m expecting a call
  • I’m expected to do that
  • Will I be expected to do that?
  • Will I be expected to have a sales quota?
  • take a survey
    • survey is big
    • Will I be expected to collect feedbacks from customers?
  • book a flight
    • “appointment” is usually mean to meet person
      • formal
    • When you’ll meet with friends, say “I have plans for lunch”
  • He’ll be angry / He’ll might get angry.

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