My name is “NISHIO Hirokazu” and “NISHIO” is the family name.

  • All Japanese people say their family name first when they are speaking Japanese language.
  • Historically, for a time, Japanese people were taught that the family name comes last in English. It caused confusion on the name ordering.

My family name “NISHIO” is made of two characters “NISHI”(west) and “O”(tail).

  • west: 西 - Wiktionary
  • “O” has same origin with “WO”(fish) so my ancestor might be a fisher.
  • “NISHIO” is pronounces like “knee see awe” but shorter. My given name “Hirokazu” is made of two characters “HIRO” and “KAZU”.
  • “HIRO” is pronounced like a hero.
  • “KAZU” is pronounced like a cousin without “n”.

Please call me Hiro.
