The Mitou Foundation is a general incorporated association established with the purpose of accelerating IT-centered innovation by comprehensively supporting creative talents, primarily graduates of the Mitou Program, a project of the Information Processing Promotion Agency (IPA), an independent administrative agency under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The IT industry, which began to develop in the late 20th century, is transforming various industries and social structures in the 21st century, from telephones, automobiles, finance, and labor styles to the entire social infrastructure. There is a growing demand for talents to shoulder the future of these major social changes worldwide. However, the support environment for such talents in Japan is still insufficient, and it is urgent to create a system that enables creative talents to take on the creation of 21st-century innovation to stop the outflow and burying of talents and technologies. The Mitou Foundation was established to address the above challenges, with the cooperation of strong external directors, as an organization to form a network of genius and creative talents, primarily involving over 2,000 graduates of the IPA Mitou Program. Involving prominent entrepreneurs, researchers, and large corporations interested in creating innovation, the foundation aims to build a Japanese-style innovation ecosystem that generates numerous socially and economically impactful innovations from Japan to the world by creating an environment where individuals can fully exert their creativity. As concrete projects, the foundation plans to focus its activities on the following three core businesses. …

MITOU Program | Nurturing talents and professionals for the digital age | IPA Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan en.icon