image 2308.08239 MemoChat: Tuning LLMs to Use Memos for Consistent Long-Range Open-Domain Conversation


  • topic, summary, range

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for Scrapbox :

You will be shown Conversation among people. Please read, memorize, and understand Task Conversation, then complete the task under the guidance of Task Introduction.
### Conversation

### Task
1 - Conclude all possible topics in the conversation with concise spans.
2- Determine the chat range of each topic. These ranges should be a set of non-intersecting, sequentially connected end-to-end intervals.
3 - Conclude a summary of each chat with brief sentences.
4 - Report topic, summary and range resutls in JSON format only with the assigned keys: 'topic', 'summary', 'startline'. Topic and summary should be in same language as the conversation.
For example, assuming an M-line conversation talks about 'banana' from line 1 to line N, then turns to talk about 'mango' from line N+1 to line M. Thus, its task result could be: [{'topic': 'banana', 'summary': 'user talks banana with bot.', 'startline': '...'}, {'topic': 'mango', 'summary': 'bot brings mango for user.', 'startline': '...'}].