LangChain Glossary Glossary — 🦜🔗 LangChain 0.0.120

  • Chain of Thought Prompting

    • A prompting technique used to encourage the model to generate a series of intermediate reasoning steps. A less formal way to induce this behavior is to include “Let’s think step-by-step” in the prompt.
    • Chain of Thought
    • Step-by-Step(LLM)
  • Action Plan Generation

    • アクションプラン生成
    • A prompt usage that uses a language model to generate actions to take. The results of these actions can then be fed back into the language model to generate a subsequent action.
    • Resources:
      • WebGPT Paper
      • SayCan Paper
  • ReAct Prompting

  • Self-ask

    • 明示的に質問文を生成させ、外部の検索エンジンを使う
    • A prompting method that builds on top of chain-of-thought prompting. In this method, the model explicitly asks itself follow-up questions, which are then answered by an external search engine.
    • Resources:
  • Prompt Chaining

    • Combining multiple LLM calls together, with the output of one-step being the input to the next.
    • Resources:
      • PromptChainer Paper
      • Language Model Cascades
      • ICE Primer Book
      • Socratic Models
  • Memetic Proxy

    • 役割を演じさせることで特定文脈での振る舞いをさせる
    • Encouraging the LLM to respond in a certain way framing the discussion in a context that the model knows of and that will result in that type of response. For example, as a conversation between a student and a teacher.
    • Resources:
      • Paper
  • Self Consistency

    • A decoding strategy that samples a diverse set of reasoning paths and then selects the most consistent answer. Is most effective when combined with Chain-of-thought prompting.
    • Resources:
      • Paper
  • Inception

    • Also called “First Person Instruction”. Encouraging the model to think a certain way by including the start of the model’s response in the prompt.
    • Resources:
    • Example
  • MemPrompt

    • MemPrompt maintains a memory of errors and user feedback, and uses them to prevent repetition of mistakes.
    • Resources:
    • Paper