This project is to translate my book in Japanese into English. Title: Intellitech: how to boost your creativity

What is intellitech? See (0.0) What is intellitech?

Root of the book

Known issues:

  • Japanese words are in figures
    • The mapping of words are below the figure.
    • Figures will be updated after I translate all sections.

Feel easy to contact me:

To get PDF, ePub, mobi:

  • You can buy them on LeanPub
  • If you are willing to give me feedback of the book, I will give it free of charge. Contact me.

More information about Japanese version is here:

If you interested in translation in the other language (e.g. Chinese)

  • Korean version is in progress
  • Feel free to contact me. I can use English and Japanese.


  • Use simple words
    • Most readers (and the author) are non-native English speaker. Keep it simple is important.

image en.icon