Creation is subjective

The importance of balancing creation and maintenance is easy to understand about individual decision making. However, about the decision of the organization, conservative choices are more likely to be chosen. Doing new things often corresponds to a failure. If you feel a strong fear of failure, you do not challenge the new stuff. If you have to explain new ideas and convince your boss ahead of the action, you will avoid new ideas.

The creation is subjective. What is objective, what people have already consented logically is not creative. So, if you accept objective explanations as a constraint, your solutions become not far from things already there.

If you want to create something new, you need to think subjectively first in the phase of plowing and waiting for sprouting. You can not create apart from subjectivity. Even if others ask you for an objective explanation, wait a moment. After seedling, in the phase of growing it, your thought obtains an objective explanation afterward. Being subjective and breaking the existing frame, this is necessary to make judgment more biased toward maintenance more creative. en.icon