It is valuable to repeat the KJ method. However, to people who are starting the KJ method from now on, saying “you should repeat it” makes the goal ambiguous and far away. It is not good. You do not have to repeat from the beginning. For example, if you are making a presentation, the goal is to finish the slides and publish it.

If you publish the slide on the Internet, you may be asked to give a lecture or write an article for a magazine. The project of this book starts with those triggers.

It is not limited to large projects. If you publish the slide on the Internet, other people can mention it. It triggers you to recall the slide. The frequency of the social trigger is higher as the social value of the slide is higher.

When you see your output is mentioned, you read it again, and you may want to re-organize it. The feeling is a chance to do the KJ method again. en.icon