As a preliminary preparation to write the report, it is good to put the goal of making 100 pieces first.

In the previous section, we wrote all thought out in 5 minutes. How many pieces did you write out? If you have written 20 pieces in 5 minutes, you can prepare 100 pieces in 25 minutes as a rough estimate. (*4)

It is a good idea to prepare around 100 pieces before proceeding to the next step. In the following, I assume that you made at least 50 pieces at this stage. I explain how to organize them.

If you can not prepare 50 pieces, it means your information collection is not enough. Those pieces of information are materials to think. You need to gather information, for example, by reading related books. (*5)

Notes *4:

  • If you try it actually, sometimes you experience the slowdown in the middle. It means you have little information in your brain. You wrote all you have.
  • On the contrary, sometimes you experience the speed-up. By looking at pieces you wrote, you are triggered to come out another thought, and the writing accelerates. This experiment is a clue to know your brain.

Note *5:

  • In (3.4.2) Learn more after testing, I explained the effect of recalling. If you read a book after reading it once and trying to recall its contents, your memory goes stronger than reading the book 4 times. The “to write all out” method is strongly related. After trying to write all out, your input of information goes efficient.