Well, let’s put the book aside and practice the “to write all out” method for 5 minutes. If you have to write a report, choose it as the theme. If you do not have goals, use the theme “if you tell others about this book, what do you tell?”

  • Prepare your favorite stationery to write.
  • Set the timer to 5 minutes.
  • Press the start button of the timer.
  • Concentrate on the theme for 5 minutes.

[If you have sufficient information in your mind, you feel 5 minutes very short. Most of time passes during you are writing.

On the other hand, if you do not have enough information in yourself, you feel 5 minutes very long.

In the workshop I did (*), each participants was able to write 80 to 100 pieces in 16 minutes. So, on average we can write at a pace of 5 pieces per minute. That is 12 seconds per piece. Please do not feel this as pressure, and please play like a game aiming for high-score.

Note *3: This is a workshop held at Kyoto University Summer Design School in 2013 and 2014. On the theme of designing your way of learning, we spent 12 hours in 3 days for lectures, the practice of “to write all out” method, and then organize the pieces with KJ method to make a presentation. en.icon