You should not care about the quality at this stage. If you try to write only high-quality pieces, your hands stop. Do not worry about the piece is used in the final version of the report. You should write out all follows:

  • information which you may write in the report
  • information which help you to write the report
  • thought what you recall suddenly during you are doing the “to write all out” method

You do not need to write long complete sentences. You can write just a few words or a sentence on a piece. Lower the hurdles in your mind to write as much as possible. You can write anything. (*2)

Regarding the content, you can write roughly, but you need to write it as careful as you can read it later. If you can not read it, there is no meaning to write. If you feel a burden of decryption, you do not read it after.

Note *2: Don’t misunderstand that you have to make one sentence or less. I do not say “write short.” Lower the hurdle as much as possible. en.icon