How fast do you read? What is the normal speed when you read documents?

If you want to improve something, you need to know the current situation first. If you want to improve the reading speed, you need to measure how fast you read the documents. Otherwise, you never know if it has improved.

If you have never measured your reading speed at all, let’s measure it now. When you actually read books, you are focusing on reading books, so your feelings are doubtful. Let’s use the stopwatch. The reading speed differs depending on how to read and what to read. Measure and observe how it differs.

You may want to read rapidly. However, it is meaningless unless you set realistic goals. Let me compare it to running. Suppose a person is not exercising at all. And he set the goal “I run 1 kilometer every day for my health!” The goal is unreasonable.

He should measure and know how much time he needs to run 1 kilometer. He should know how much days is appropriate weather for running. He should know how running affects the next day. He should know how much days he needs to recover his physical condition after the running.

Unless knowing them, the plan which he made is impractical.
