
This is a tool to run codes and check outputs.

When you learn/teach programming languages you will write small codes.

Pairs of those codes and outputs are tests. To store and run them helps to know what is changed.


$ python # run self tests
$ python test/ # run 'print hello' tests

Expected executables

Self test warns if expected executables don’t found:

coderunner$ python
check whether expected executables exist:
Test 'Ruby' expected executable named 'ruby1.9' in $PATH.
  install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/
Test 'Perl' expected executable named 'perl5' in $PATH.
  install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/
Test 'Scheme' expected executable named 'gosh' in $PATH.
  install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

It can fix as follow:

coderunner/bin$ ln -s /home/rackhuber/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p320/bin/ruby ruby1.9
coderunner/bin$ ln -s /usr/bin/perl5.14.2 perl5
coderunner/bin$ sudo apt-get install gauche


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